School Counselor
My name is Rikki Fischer and I am the K-3 Elementary School Counselor. I am thrilled to be a part of the Breckenridge School District! I am originally from Alexandria, MN graduating from Jefferson Senior High School in 2002. I received my undergraduate in Psychology from MSUM. I graduated with a Master’s degree in School Counseling from Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSUM). This is my 7th year here in Breckenridge working K-3rd grade. I love being a part of the Cowboys & Cowgirls.
I like to spend my spare time with my family (We have a 4y ear old and a 7 year old Golden Retriever), friends, peloton workouts, working on house projects, going for walks when the weather is nice and mindfulness.
I have a passion for School Counseling. I will be able to support your student's personal/social, career, and academic needs, be your student's biggest advocate and a strong support for you as well. As your School Counselor, I hope to help your child grow, learn, find your passions and enjoy school. Breckenridge is doing great things for you and I can't wait to watch you EXCEL! Can't believe all the great things I have seen already here at Breckenridge and cannot not wait to see what the 2023-2024 school year has in store!
I have some fun lessons planned for the school year and am very excited for another great year at BES! WE GOT THIS!
Be sure to check out my parent connection after each lesson to see what we are talking about and please feel free to reach out if you have any things you would like to discuss about your student(s).
Staff Members
Parent Resources
- Screen Time & Development
- Helping with Anxiety, Fears and Phobias
- Parent Tool Kit
- National Alliance for Grieving Children
- Helping Your Student with Homework
- Helping Your Child be Successful at School
- Helping with Self-Esteem
- Coping with Stress
- Social Media
- Online Safety for Younger Students
- Various Emotions & Behaviors
- Drugwatch
Parent Connection
Hello and Welcome!
Here you will find a link to my Parent Connection Google Site, I will be posting information on the lessons I have been presenting in your child{ren}'s classroom(s). Follow this link for your paperless Newsletter!
Please contact me with any further questions:****
What is a School Counselor?
What Is An Elementary School Counselor?
An Elementary School Counselor helps students with their personal/social, career, and academic needs. School Counselors offer support to students who are struggling with a variety of issues and help them work through problems and develop the tools they need to succeed. A School Counselor, like other school personnel, works to promote a safe and nurturing school environment.
So What Exactly Does My School Counselor Do?
We are really good listeners! We like to hang out, play games, learn new things about ourselves, and talk! We usually do this individually or in a group setting with other students. You may find that your school counselor will come into your classroom too to talk about topics like bullying, feelings, emotions, how to be a good friend, careers, and many other things! The cool part about talking to your school counselor is that whatever you talk about stays between the counselor and you. Nobody else has to know! Unless of course there is a safety concern and it becomes unsafe for you or for other students. School counselors work with your teachers, parents, principal, and other important people to help you become the best YOU you can be!
What Types of Things Can My Counselor Help Me With?
Anger management
Career readiness
Conflict resolution
Coping skills
Divorce/changing families
Emotional awareness
Friendship skills
Grief and Loss
Social skills
Undesirable/challenging behaviors
"The role of a School Counselor is to help ALL students in the areas of academic achievement, personal/social development and career development, ensuring today's youth to become the productive, well-adjusted adults of tomorrow (ASCA, 2012)."